Thursday, August 10, 2006

i5nomads go home for almost 2days!

i5Nomads made it up to the Bay Area last weekend for Meeko's bday. We managed to do some fun stuff and eat a lot (as you may or may not have gussed by my nick' I am a big fan of the eating!) I would have worked on the photos Monday and had them up but all the traveling sucked the energy from me. Suffice to say we went to several food eateries that are my favorites.. and luckily husband didn't complain.. he likes the same places, to varying degrees. =)

I guess this post is supposed to make me accountable to finishing my birthday trip photos.. including those random pix around Emeryville. My first SMART car I've seen, outside Trader Joe's in El Cerrito and a classic beetle that hubby had to have a photo of. I feel weird taking photos of other people's cars when they aren't asked first. So I'll need to fuzz out the licenses of course. It's the polite thing to do, regardless of whether it's a public place or not. Let's see if it takes a month like last time. So new stuff coming soon! =) *fingers crossed*